New Chargers TESCO Tain |
Posted: about 3 years ago |
Total Posts: 8
Joined 3 years ago
Until now Tain has only had one Rapid Charger, tucked away in a fairly inaccessible corner of the Public Car Park. Tesco Tain have now installed Two 22KW Chargers which are free to use and a 50KW Rapid @28p a KW
Inverness still seems to have really poor provision. Dose anyone know of plans for more provision in Inverness?
Posted: 2 years ago |
[ # 1 ]
Total Posts: 6
Joined 3 years ago
I agree with your statement on the state of charging provisions in Inverness. For instance, there are 5 Tescos in Inverness and only one has a couple of 7kW A/C chargers (The one tucked away by the main bridge over the river Ness). In total, Zap Map will point you to 20 locations where charging is available around the town. Of those, only 8 have chargers that are working. Of those 8, only 3 have CCS charging available and of those 3, one is a Tesla Supercharger location! A very sad state of affairs, not much interest in the town.
Posted: 2 years ago |
[ # 2 ]
Total Posts: 8
Joined 3 years ago
There are rumours that the Tesla Network may soon be open to non Tesla. If that actually happens the ones in the Rose Steet carpark will be handy. I haven't checked it out yet but apparently Tesco Inches now has a rapid point so there is hope that Inverness is improving.
Posted: 2 years ago |
[ # 3 ]
Total Posts: 6
Joined 3 years ago
Yes, I've just heard that Lidl in Telford Street will be installing some 50 kW chargers this year (don't know if you'll have to pay or not!), so if all the stars align, things may be improving. Do you think it was something we said????
Posted: 2 years ago |
[ # 4 ]
Total Posts: 6
Joined 3 years ago
GREAT NEWS! Tesco have finally installed new charge points in both their Inshes and Stoneyfield properties. In Stoneyfield (Inverness Business Park) there are 4 X 7kW A/C chargers, untethered (currently free for the 3 hours you are permitted to stay in the car park generally) plus, 1 X 50kW Type 2 DC charger, tethered and 1 X 50kW Chedemo charger, tethered. They are all operated by Pod Point (who charge for electricity consumed in the maximum 3 hour stay).
Well done Tesco, it took a while, but you got there in the end!